Video Technical Info and Tips

Outputting your video for Youtube or Vimeo best quality:

a helpful tutorial here:

Youtube’s advice:

IF YOU ARE FINDING H264 out of Final Cut through QuickTime is too slow, then consider the suggestion below (and explained in the link)

Export out of Final Cut

  1. File > Export > Quicktime Movie (choose “current settings” and Make movie self contained, this will not compress your file, so will give you a large file (which you should archive for the future).
  2. Choose a file name for your exported video and a destination where it will be saved.
  3. Open “Streamclip” (a program for “transcoding” from one codec to another on all the SCA computer lab computers …it is also free if you want to use it at home)
  4. Menu: File/Export to Mpeg 4
  5. Go find your new file and “Streamclip” and rerender or “transcode” to H264 (1280 x 720) using Streamclip as suggested above.
  6. If you want to watch a video on the process (with slightly different but compatible instructions then check the link below)
  7. This should be quicker here is a video that explains the process using streamclip: