Spring 2014
FPA 461: Studio in Visual Art VI
Tuesday & Thursday, 2:30-5:20, Alexander Center
Instructor: Judy Radul
Email is the best way to reach me: jaradul@sfu.ca
Week 1
Tues. Jan 7
Thurs Jan 9 (Seattle Trip)
Week 2
Tues. Jan 14 First Draft Artist statements due
Thurs. Jan 16
Week 3
Tues. Jan 28 Duane Linklater crits
Thurs. Jan 30 Duane Linklater crits
Week 4
Tues. Feb 4 Crits
Thurs. Feb 6 Exhibition Decision re catalog for exhibition, press committee in place,
discuss second draft of statements.
Week 5
Tues. Feb 11: READING WEEK
Thurs. Feb 13: READING WEEK
Week 6
Tues. Feb. 18 Audain Gallery (Brady Cranfield) to visit review critical path
Thurs. Feb. 20: confirm exhibition title and other details
Week 7
Tues. Feb. 25 one on one meetings
Thurs. Feb. 27 one on one meetings
Week 8
Tues. Mar 4 Crits
Thurs. Mar 6 Crits
All artist statements, photos, material for the catalog handed in.